Intergenerational Worship Workshop

Do you have a passion for including everyone in worship? Would you like to see every generation being part of our worship? Maybe you are part of a worship group, an Elder occasionally leading worship, a Lay Preacher, a Children’s and Families worker, or just curious. Come along and join us.

Lead by Dr Sam Richards (Head of Children’s and Youth Work for the URC and Co-author of ‘Regenerational – introducing churches to intergenerational ministry through gathered worship’) will be leading the workshop. I know you will be in for a very enjoyable, fun workshop with lots of ideas and practical things to take away.

Saturday 15 February 2025 at the Warden Hill Centre, Salisbury Avenue, Cheltenham from 10.00 – 4.00. No charge,  but donations towards lunch and Sam’s expenses would be appreciated.

Please book your place by 1st February 2024 by e-mailing or text her on 07514195944.