The Big Green Week starts on Saturday 8 June and the theme for this year is Swaps – Great Big Green Week. Here are a few swaps you might consider making if you have not already done so. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.
- A vegetarian/plant based meal instead of meat or fish. Do you have a favourite recipe to share which we could make into a small recipe booklet? Please e-mail to
- Use a refill service instead of single use plastics. World Refill Day – a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste – is on Sunday 16 June. ‘Planted’ in Charlton Kings and ‘Foodloose’ in Cheltenham town centre both offer refills.
- Buy eco friendly toilet paper. An article in the Guardian recently said that a large proportion of global deforestation is directly linked to demand for toilet paper.
- Compostable scrubbers instead of sponges.
- Soap instead of body wash.
- Bamboo rather than plastic toothbrush.
- Silk, bamboo charcoal-infused, and plant-based dental floss rather than plastic.
- Walk, cycle or take the bus rather than your usual car journey.
- Beeswax food wraps instead of cling film and foil.
- Reusable containers rather than freezer bags.
- Instead of mowing, leave an area of your garden to grow to encourage wildlife and biodiversity.
- Plant pollinator friendly plants instead of those which offer little to bees or other pollinators.
- Reuse or repair instead of buying new. Our next Repair Café is on Saturday 6 July